A writer, improv actor, director and producer, Eitan Gorlin began his entertainment career as a grip. After producing the feature-length film, Sometime in August, Gorlin went on to write and direct The Holy Land, which tells the story of a rabbinical student in Israel who falls in love with a prostitute from Russia during a wave of bus bombings. The Holy Land, distributed by CAVU Pictures, played theatrically in over fifty cities in the U.S. with an eleven-week run at the Angelica Film Center in New York City. For his directorial debut, Gorlin won the Grand Jury Prize at the Slamdance Film Festival and was nominated for an IFP Spirit Award.

Gorlin also co-created (with Dan Mirvish) the Martin Eisenstadt character, a hapless neo-con and McCain adviser who many came to believe as real during the 2008 election cycle. Throughout the campaign, Gorlin and Mirvish kept an often-quoted blog and shot a string of viral videos (including a mock documentary) featuring Eisenstadt (played by Gorlin) as he perversely insinuated himself into the fabric of America’s body politic and onto a front page profile in the New York Times. Gorlin and Mirvish then penned a best-selling satirical novel in the voice of that character, I Am Martin Eisenstadt: One Man’s (Wildly Inappropriate) Adventures with the Last Republicans, which was published by Farrar, Straus and Giroux and listed by The Washington Monthly as one of the year’s top three books.

Additionally, Gorlin wrote the script, Burbank Caviar, which Cuba Gooding Jr. directed as Bayou Caviar, for which Gorlin was credited as a producer and the co-writer. The film starred Cuba Gooding Jr., Famke Jannsen and Richard Dreyfuss. Gorlin has written about Jerusalem chefs, religious and political extremism and Mafia involvement in the American black music industry. Gorlin continues to write screenplays for television and film. He also directs and produces documentary projects.